Hebrews 2

Lay Bible

1. For this reason therefore, it is necessary that you should be much more devoted to those things which ye have heard from us; do not let them for once to slip out of your mind
2. For if the word which he spoke through angels, came to pass steadfastly, and every violation of it received a just recompense of reward,
3. How shall we escape if we so carelessly disregard so great a salvation such as his , which they took originally from those things uttered by the Lord, [and was] confirmed to us by those who heard him.
4. God bearing witness together with them, not only with signs, but also with miracles, and diverse sorts of power, and distribution of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, according as he himself wills.
5. For it is not to angels that he subjected that place of habitation that is coming, about which we speak.
6. But testifying somewhere by a certain one, he said, what is man, that you are mindful of him at all? Or the son of man that you should watch over him.
7. His excellency is less for a while than those of angels. Glory and honour have you crowned him with, and set him over the works of your hands.
8. Everything have you subjected under his feet. For by that subjection of everything to him, nothing is excluded that is not subjected. But at this moment, we do not see all things subjected yet to him.
9. But in a short while, being less for a while than angels, we see Jesus through his suffering of his death, crowned with glory and honour, how that by the grace of God, for the sake of everything, he tasted death.
10. For it was proper for him through whom everything and by whom are all things, to bring in many sons unto glory so that the chief leader of their salvation, through suffering, might accomplish it.
11. For both he who makes holy, and those who are made holy, they all are from the only one , for this reason, he is not ashamed to call them his brethren.
12. He says, ‘I will make known your name to my brethren.’
13. And again, ‘I will trust in him.’ And again, ‘behold, I and those children whom God has given to me.’
14. Since therefore, those children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also likewise, partook of the same himself, so that through his death he would destroy the works of him who had the might of death, that is, the devil.
15. And release all those of them who through fear of death were all their lives under obligation to enslavement .
16. For without doubt, it was not angels he seized possession of, but he seized possessive control over the seed of Abraham.
17. Wherefore, he was under obligation to be made like all his brethren, so that he might become merciful and a faithful high priest for them towards God, for the sake of atoning for their sins.
18. Because of what he suffered, having himself been tried , he has the power to help those who also are themselves being tried.

Started translation 14:11 pm 31st January, 2017, Completed 17:01 pm 1st February, 2017.